Saturday, March 7, 2009

Terrible Two

Brent’s second round started on Jan 9th. This round didn’t go as well as the last one. One problem was that we didn’t get to the hospital until around 2, so by the time they got Brent admitted and the meds were mixed it was around 10:00 at night. Another problem was that since Brent has so many different fluids being pumping into him, he has to go to the bathroom A LOT; so he decided that this round he wasn’t going to drink as much water. BIG MISTAKE!! The number one rule while going through chemo is to drink, drink, drink because it helps flush out all the meds, and he can start feeling well sooner. By Sunday, Brent was completely wiped out.

the beginning

the end

Tuesday he was released and got to come home, and we were greeted by this wonderful sign our friends' cute kids made. We love you guys!! Thank you to Robby, LuLu (Natalie), Mark, Elia,and Lauren (and Jess!!).

That night Brent started getting nauseated. He threw up once in the middle of the night and again when we woke up the next morning (Wednesday). We headed to the hospital for his Neulasta shot and when we got to the hospital, he threw up again. The nurses called the doctor and 10 minutes later, Brent was readmitted. They decided they would keep him for a few hours to give him Zofran and Decadron for the nausea, and fluids since he wasn’t keeping anything down. He was released the same day and was feeling much better when we got home. Everything after that was going pretty well until the next Sunday (January 18th) when Brent got a fever. We called the dr. and were told to give him Tylenol to keep the fever down until the office was open in the morning. Monday we headed up to the Medical Center and Brent was admitted once again. Brent’s counts were extremely low. His white blood count was 0.18; normal is between 5-10. I don’t remember what his reds and platelets were, but they were really low too. The doctors tested him for all kinds of infection, but didn’t find any. This means that most likely his fever was just because his white counts were so low. They also gave him blood and platelet transfusions!


Brent felt so much better after all was done, and we had a nice last week before he went in for the next treatment.


  1. Hang in there Brent! We love you and you're in our prayers. Can't wait until you get better and we can meet up out on the lake someday!

  2. You both continue to be in our prayers. Love you guys!

  3. We are all in awe of you both! It was so fun to be giving a talk in church Sunday and look up and see you both there. We have missed you. Of course, I enjoy visiting when I get to be your driver on the way home from the hospital. Sorry about the sharp curves Brent.
    Love you both - Sheriee and Vern

  4. oh are one amazing wife (and i haven't even met you!---you get a HUGE hug when that day comes!)
    poor brent. give him a little squeeze from his cousin for me, ok? i'll be praying for you guys to get through this. keep the updates comeing (and the fluids!)
